Lindsey Sanders
I have been conducting wildlife research in the field and in the lab since 2010. I am interested in understanding how and why human-caused habitat change affects wildlife species. I have worked on projects ranging from avian and small mammal habitat selection in beetle-killed forest, to removal of invasive trout from high-alpine lakes for the benefit of an imperiled amphibian, to endangered shorebird and seabird nest habitat use and survival. I have spent time working in a variety of field environments from the remote back country to the middle of active natural gas fields. My interests are broad, though generally aimed toward an end goal of species and habitat conservation.
When not working, I spend my time birding, skiing, mountain biking, backpacking, and otherwise enjoying the great outdoors. I also enjoy cooking, gardening and knitting.
Masters of Science in Zoology & Physiology, University of Wyoming Jan 2015–Dec 2017
Advisor: Dr. Anna D. Chalfoun
Thesis: Mechanisms underlying increased songbird nest predation near natural gas development​
GPA 4.00 out of 4.00
Relevant coursework: ornithology, quantitative analysis of field data, biological statistics, modeling resource selection and habitat-based demography, database management, programming with R, advanced topics in ecology, scientific writing
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science, University of California, Berkeley Sept 2006–May 2010
Senior Thesis: Algerian ivy removal techniques along a riparian zone in Berkeley, CA
GPA: 3.57 out of 4.00
Relevant coursework: terrestrial resource ecology, plant biology, environmental modelling, environmental toxicology, statistics, LEED certification, wildlife identification, environmental philosophy, soil science, biology, chemistry, physics, education, senior research thesis
Publications (* Independent research mentees)
Sanders, L.E. and A.D. Chalfoun. 2019. Mechanisms underlying increased nest predation in natural gas fields: a test of the mesopredator release hypothesis. Ecosphere, 10(5): e02738.
Sanders, L.E. and A.D. Chalfoun, 2018. Novel landscape elements within natural gas fields increase densities of an important songbird nest predator. Biological Conservation, 228: 132-141.
Sanders, L.E., A.D. Chalfoun, T.M. Scherr,* 2018. Inter-species nest use by a Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius ludovicianus). Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 130(3): 774-777.
Carlisle, J., L. Sanders, A. Chalfoun and K. Gerow. 2018. Raptor nest-site use in relation to the proximity of coalbed-methane development. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 41(2): 227-243.
Parsons, L., L. Sanders, A. Ryan, M. Reichmuth. 2015. Changes in the food web linked to restoration effort intensity and watershed conditions. Natural Resources, 6: 344: 362.
Sanders, L. 2012. Algerian ivy removal techniques along a riparian zone in Berkeley, CA. Berkeley Scientific Journal, 16(2): 1-7.
Chalfoun, A.D., T.M. Scherr* and L.E. Sanders. In prep. Why thy neighbors matter: evidence that nest partitioning decreases nest predation risk. Ecology Letters.
Hall, L.E., J.D. Carlisle, L.E. Sanders, T.L. McDonald, A.D. Chalfoun. In prep. A plastic home-building strategy mediates potential thermal risk for sedentary prey. Animal Behavior.
Hethcoat, M.G., L.E. Sanders and A.D. Chalfoun. In prep. Cheating death: can adaptive nest site selection mitigate an ecological trap in energy field landscapes. Global Change Biology.
Sanders, L.E., M.L. Kenney*, and A.D. Chalfoun. In prep. Songbirds mitigate nest predation risk differentially via parental care behaviors. Behavioral Ecology.
Sanders, L.E. and A.D. Chalfoun. In prep. Novel landscape elements within natural gas fields increase densities of an important songbird nest predator. Biological Conservation.
Wagler, B.L.*, L.E. Sanders, and A.D. Chalfoun. In prep. Nest predator responses to reclaimed areas on natural gas fields at the home-range scale. Animal Conservation.
Technical Reports and Theses
Hagar, J., J. Rousseau and L. Sanders. In prep. Summary of Bird Banding Efforts at Luckiamute State Natural Area 2018—2022: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report.
Sanders, L., K. Walton, M. Cline and J. Dinkins. 2021. Population assessment of western Oregon sooty grouse 2020-2022. Annual report to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.
Chalfoun, A., L. Sanders and E. Hall. 2020. Effects of climate on non-game sagebrush bird demography and populations. Final Report to the Wyoming Game and Fish Department.
Chalfoun, A. and L. Sanders. 2019. Weather variability and sagebrush songbird demography. Final report to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.
Sanders, L. and A. Chalfoun. 2018. Influence of energy development on sagebrush non-game birds III. Final Report to the U.S. Geological Survey.
Sanders, L. and A. Chalfoun. 2017. Mechanisms underlying increased songbird nest predation near natural gas development. Final report to the Wyoming Game and Fish Department.
Sanders, Lindsey E. 2017. Mechanisms underlying increased songbird nest predation near natural gas development. Master’s thesis. University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, USA.
Chalfoun, A., J. Carlisle, L. Sanders and K. Gerow. 2013. Analysis of temporal and spatial patterns of raptor nest occupancy in areas of coal-bed methane development in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming. Final Report to the Bureau of Land Management, Buffalo Field Office.
Presentations (* Independent research mentees)
Sanders, L., L.E. Hall, T. Scherr and A. Chalfoun. Extreme weather lowers productivity for a sagebrush songbird. Oregon Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Eugene, OR, February 2020 (oral presentation)
Sanders, L., L.E. Hall and A. Chalfoun. Extreme weather lengthens the incubation period and lowers productivity. American Ornithological Society Annual Meeting, Anchorage, AK, June 2019 (oral presentation)
Sanders, L. and A. Chalfoun. Differential avian responses to density and proximity of disturbance. Oregon Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Bend, OR, February 2019 (oral presentation)
Sanders, L. and A. Chalfoun. Differential avian responses to density and proximity of disturbance. Joint Conference of the Wyoming Chapter of the Wildlife Society and The Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative, Laramie, WY, November 2018 (oral presentation)
Sanders, L. and A. Chalfoun. Differential avian responses to density and proximity of disturbance. Oregon Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Bend, OR, February 2019 (oral presentation)
Sanders, L. and A. Chalfoun. Why are nest-predator abundances higher on natural gas fields? Wyoming Chapter of the Wildlife Society Conference, Jackson, WY, December 2017 (oral presentation)
Sanders, L., M. Kenney*, and A. Chalfoun. Sagebrush songbirds mitigate nest predation risk via parental care. Wyoming Chapter of the Wildlife Society Conference, Jackson, WY, December 2017 (poster)
Wagler, B.*, L. Sanders, and A. Chalfoun. Nest predator responses to reclaimed areas on natural gas fields at the home-range scale. Wyoming Chapter of the Wildlife Society Conference, Jackson, WY, December 2017 (oral presentation)
Chalfoun, A., M. Hethcoat, and L. Sanders. Natural gas fields as ecological traps for nesting sagebrush songbirds. Wyoming Chapter of the Wildlife Society Conference, Jackson, WY, December 2017 (oral presentation)
Chalfoun, A., M. Hethcoat, and L. Sanders. Natural gas fields as ecological traps for nesting sagebrush songbirds. Joint Conference of the American Ornithological Society and the Society of Canadian Ornithologists, East Lansing, MI., August 2017 (oral presentation)
Sanders, L. and A. Chalfoun. What is sustaining higher abundance of nest predators within natural gas fields? Joint Conference of the American Ornithological Society and the Society of Canadian Ornithologists, East Lansing, MI., August 2017 (oral presentation)
Sanders, L. and A. Chalfoun. Who ate my babies? Mechanisms underlying increased nest predation near energy development. Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Annual Cooperators Meeting, Laramie, WY, April 2017 (oral presentation)
Sanders, L. and A. Chalfoun. Is a mesopredator release underlying increased songbird nest predation rates near natural gas development? Joint Conference of the Wyoming Chapter of the Wildlife Society and The Society for Range Management, Cody, WY, November 2016 (oral presentation)
Wagler, B.*, L. Sanders and A. Chalfoun. Identifying a mechanistic response to energy development: are reclaimed areas augmenting small mammal body condition and abundance? Joint Conference of the Wyoming Chapter of the Wildlife Society and The Society for Range Management, Cody, WY, November 2016 (poster)
Kenney, M.*, L. Sanders and A. Chalfoun. Persnickety parents: how parental care behaviors affect songbird nest success. Joint Conference of the Wyoming Chapter of the Wildlife Society and The Society for Range Management, Cody, WY, November 2016 (poster)
Sanders, L. and A. Chalfoun. Is a mesopredator release underlying increased songbird nest predation rates near natural gas development? North American Ornithological Conference, Washington D.C., August 2016 (oral presentation)
Sanders, L. and A. Chalfoun. Mechanisms underlying increased songbird nest predation rates with natural gas development. Joint Conference of the Wyoming Chapter of the Wildlife Society and The Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative, Lander, WY, December 2015 (poster)
Sanders, L. and A. Chalfoun. Mechanisms underlying increased songbird nest predation with natural gas development. Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Annual Cooperators Meeting, Cheyenne, WY, April 2015 (oral presentation)
Sanders, L., J.Carlisle, A. Chalfoun, K. Gerow. Raptor nest occupancy in relation to coal-bed methane development in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming. The Wildlife Society 19th Annual Conference, Portland, OR, October 2012 (poster)
Research Experience
Assistant District Wildlife Biologist, Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife June 2023–present
Biological Science Technician, U.S. Geological Survey Oct 2022–June 2023
Assistant Project Manager / Wildlife Biologist, Turnstone Environmental Consultants, Inc. Jan–Oct 2022
Faculty Research Assistant, Oregon State University March 2020–July 2021
Academic Professional Research Scientist, University of Wyoming Sept 2018–Jan 2020
Marbled Murrelet Technician, Oregon State University April–Aug 2018
Graduate Research Assistant, University of Wyoming Jan 2015–Dec 2017​
Sierra Nevada Red Fox Technician, University of California, Davis July–Oct 2014
Biological Science Tech, GS-5, USGS N. Prairie Wildlife Research Center April–July 2014
Biological Science Tech, GS-5, Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Park June–Sept 2013
Prairie-Chicken Research Technician, University of Nebraska March–May 2013
Avian Point Count Technician, PRBO Conservation Science April–Aug 2012
Statistical Research Assistant, Wyoming Cooperative Research Unit Oct 2011–April 2012
Bird and Small Mammal Technician, Wyoming Cooperative Research Unit June–Sept 2011
Restoration Intern, Point Reyes National Seashore Oct 2011–May 2012
Pika Research Technician, Wyoming Cooperative Research Unit June–Sept 2010
Interpretive Student Aide, East Bay Regional Park District Sept 2007–May 2010
Environmental Protection Assistant II, UCB Environmental Health & Safety Sept 2009–May 2010
Independent Research Mentor, University of Wyoming
Mentored three students with independent research projects. Mentorship included helping with: developing research questions, establishing protocols for answering those questions, applying for grant money, collecting data, analyzing data, presenting research at professional conferences, and preparing manuscripts for publication.
Undergraduate Student Sept 2015–May 2017
Senior Thesis: Persnickety parents: how parental care behavior affects songbird nest success.
Undergraduate Student Jan 2016–Dec 2017
Senior Thesis: Do reclaimed areas within natural gas fields augment deer mice body condition and abundance?
Research Assistant March–Dec 2016
Independent Project: Why thy neighbors matter: evidence that nest partitioning decreases nest predation risk
Laramie Girl Scouts April–July 2017
Developed and implemented a nest box monitoring program for the Laramie Girl Scouts
Through this program, we taught girls about avian biology and conservation, and brought them into the field for 11 weeks during the summer to help monitor tree swallow nest boxes. Scouts helped collect data, and together created a presentation about their experience which they gave at a public Laramie Audubon Society meeting
STEM Own It! Pop-Up Discovery Center April 2017
Developed and staffed a program through the WY Coop Research Unit for this one-night event.
Program included a hands-on table for high school and college students to learn about wildlife
Laramie High School March 2017
Developed and taught a three-day long curriculum for high school students
Curriculum taught students about the scientific process, and allowed them to develop research questions, collect data, view results, and formulate conclusions based on their results.
Curriculum was made available to the Biodiversity Institute for future use in other classrooms
Beitel Elementary April 2016
Developed and taught a 2-hour lesson plan for a fourth grade class about predator prey dynamics
Lesson included discussion of what predators and prey are, food chains, and a group activity to see how predator and prey dynamics change with food availability
Wyoming State Science Fair March 2016
Co-organized and implemented three 1-hour workshops for elementary students across Wyoming participating in the State Science Fair
Workshops helped students become more comfortable presenting their results to the public
Media Coverage
National Audubon, magazine Nov 2017
Title: In sagebrush country, drilling brings nest-raiding rodents
University of Wyoming, alumni magazine Nov 2017
Title: Of Mice and Birds – how sagebrush habitat loss contributes to predation of sagebrush songbirds
Professional Services
Committees and Boards
Administrative Assistant Oregon Chapter of The Wildlife Society Feb 2021–Apr 2022
Conduct monthly bookkeeping for a 501(c)3 non-profit
Coordinate registration and logistics for member events; prepare documents in advance of board meetings and member events; maintain electronic records and files on a shared Google Drive; manage Google Suite Admin account
Answer public inquires; maintain public website; send email communications to member listserv; follow-up on action items after board meetings; order office supplies
Implement password and financial data security procedures
Write and distributed announcements via blog and FB page
Participate in Self Equity Audit and Operation Manual update
Treasurer, Oregon Chapter of The Wildlife Society Executive Board Feb 2019–Feb 2021
Manage chapter finances, including making all payments, updating annual budgets and maintaining the chapter's fiscal health
Make financial analyses and recommendations to the chapter
Prepare income tax report forms and annual financial reports
Coordinate registration for the annual meeting and workshops
Membership Coordinator, Laramie Audubon Society Board of Directors Nov 2015–Dec 2017
Coordinated membership info, tracked member payments, outreach to community to recruit new members
Worked with other board members to develop education programs and field trips, led field trips, organized speakers to present at monthly public meetings, participated in discussions of where to spend funds to make largest impact on avian conservation in our community
Small Grants Committee Chair, Laramie Audubon Society Board of Directors March 2016–Dec 2017
Reviewed grant applications bi-annually and worked with committee to select conservation and outreach projects for funding
Symposia Organized
Joint Conference of the American Ornithological Society and the Society of Canadian Ornithologists Aug 2017
Symposium Title: “Mechanisms underlying avian decline near energy development”
Memberships and Affiliations
American Ornithological Society March 2015–present
Laramie Audubon Society Jan 2015–Aug 2018
Northwestern Scientific Association Feb 2018–present
The Wildlife Society
Oregon Chapter, Member Jan 2018–present
Wyoming Chapter, Member Nov 2015–present
National Member Nov 2011–present
Scholarships and Awards
American Ornithological Society, Travel Award June 2019
American Ornithological Society, Travel Award June 2017
University of Wyoming, Reed W. Fautin Memorial Scholarship April 2017
The Wildlife Society, Graduate Student Scholarship Dec 2016
The Wildlife Society, Travel Award Dec 2016
Association of Field Ornithologists, Travel Award Aug 2016
NASA Space Grant Consortium, Travel Award Aug 2016
Grants Received
Pittman-Robertson Grant Nov 2019
Population Assessment of Western Oregon Sooty Grouse; $314,859
Wyoming Governor’s Big Game License Coalition Grant June 2017
Sagebrush songbirds, climate, and energy development; $15,000
Biodiversity Institute Research Grant April 2017
Mechanisms underlying increased songbird nest predation rates with natural gas development; $4,500